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Sweet Child of Mine by Billy London

A new author to me and I thought why not! This book intrigued me about the story line and how the author was going to be able to continue the intrigued until the very end. To my surprise this a nice, sweet and steamy, condensed story. This novel was easy to read and be absorbed into as, the characters hit the story running. We are immediately thrust into the beginning situation that bring the two potential lovers together.

This was a nice lot change by having a single dad, struggling with a teenager. It creates a difference in the focus of always looking at the woman with the kids needing an alpha male to rescue her or help her survive and taking on the kids as his own.

So, considering this, I would say this book was absolutely a nice change. Now you all know I love a good steamy sex scene and this book knows how to build; the first glimpse of some sexual intension did not disappoint. It builds and had me ready to chew on some popcorn and just indulge. I enjoyed those moments and as always wanted more, but this was just the right amount of sex appeal and tension to keep you going throughout the book.

The only downside to the book for me was that in the end the story was rushed just a tad bit. This disappointed me only because I think the ending would have been even more worthy if the story were given more length and description towards the end. This would have eased us into the ending moments and provide a timelier ending. I also wanted some more character development for Abigail. This character really deserved more, and perhaps a spin off if possible, of the mums and the epilogue of their daughters’ journey.

Apart from these few issues, I would still recommend this book and read it again. Was a great change of pace and looking forward to some more content from Billy London, hopefully just as wonderful as this book.

Happy Reading!!!!

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