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The Kilgarin's Gift by Shay Rucker

This genre is one of my guilty pleasures, I don’t always find books that really give you a balance between the world being created and a strong enough love story intertwined. So, I have searched and read, and sort after from different authors, a paranormal romance that draws me in and makes me wish for more, quite like the other books I have read and commented on.

In approaching this book, I have read a couple of other stories from this author and have not been disappointed. So here goes, at first, I thought perhaps this book would be a slow burn or take some time to get into the excited of the adventure of the two main characters. I was most definitely wrong, as you enter into the two lives, instantaneous of course with the exception of setting the scene for the readers to start engaging and understanding the dynamics of the characters involved.

Morgan stumbles upon, a once in a lifetime adventure, when she is the backup to a friend on a clandestine mission. She follows her instincts and, in the end, becomes an especially important part to rescuing the Kilgarin from a darkness and imbalance in his existence. She in turns becomes his soul bearer. Now, to everyone’s shock, she rejects this notion and only wants to save the life of her friend and leave before her cousin comes to look for her.

As Morgan struggles with her role that she has now been given, she also has to battle with unsolved mysteries within her family and herself. This becomes a plot to destroy the Kilgarin and his clan. Oh, the juicy bits of all the clashes and fights, is just a testament to great writing and just fuels you with a thirst to see how this story unfolds.

I absolutely loved this book as it was ram packed with action, but it had the necessary moments of explanation and lull in order to digest all the information that was received. One of the main things I ask myself after reading a book is whether, I would read it again, and this book passes with flying colours, I do hope we get more of the story and more in-depth knowledge of how they solve these mysteries and puzzles about both main characters, there is just so much unpacking of there character development and story that I am sure us readers would love to see.

I give this book a big thumbs up and would recommend for all to read, it is quite a mix and changes paces, but it encapsulates all things paranormal and sexy, of the mysteries that are art of this world and genre. So, read up all!!!!

Happy Reading!

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